How to Avoid Your Boring Day During Quarantine President of Indonesia, Mr. Jokowidodo inform to all Indonesian people to start doing School from home, Work from home, and Pray from Home. Instead to avoid the spread of corona virus. I know it is not easy to stay at home for so long time. First of all, we must believe that corona virus came here because of reason. As a moslem, we must to believe, Allah give us (a human) corona virus is Here I will give only two tips to avoid your boring day, whether prepare to welcome Ramadhan. 1. Start sholat on time A day consists of 24 hours. Sholat fardhu must be done only for five times a day. Because of corona virus, all people spend their 24 hours in home. How sad are we, if we still feel heavy to do sholat on time. I have a trick to succed do sholat on time. If you hear adzan, immediately take wudhu. After you have done take wudhu, start to do sholat. Don’t forget to always pray to Allah Subhanahu ...
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